Templates Neo

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Button Classic.png Button Gym.png Button Neo.png Button Ecard.png Button ex.png Button DPPt.png Button HGSS.png Button BW.png Button XY.png Button 20th.png Button SM.png Button SS.png
InfoBox Neo.png
_Released 2000
_Set's Within Era • Neo Genesis
• Neo Discovery
• Neo Revelation
• Neo Destiny
_Creation Difficulty Low

Neo Genesis (Japanese: 金、銀、新世界へ... Gold, Silver, to a New World...) is an expansion of the Pokémon Trading Card Game. It was the first expansion to feature Generation II Pokémon of Johto.

Neo Genesis was the 9th (8th in Japan) TCG Expansion set and first of all Neo Sets. Japan's release date was December 16, 1999 and the North American date was December 16, 2000. There were 111 Cards released for this set, and 19 of those were holofoil cards. It was the first set to include Dark and Metal typed Pokémon as well as the Neo-design cards, Generation II Pokémon, and Baby cards. [1]

General Information

Base Templates

note: below are type icons of the official templates (saves having to scroll down one giant page). Click on each of them to visit their respective type page.

TypeCircles Colorless.png TypeCircles Dark.png TypeCircles Fighting.png TypeCircles Fire.png TypeCircles Grass.png TypeCircles Lightning.png TypeCircles Metal.png TypeCircles Psychic.png TypeCircles Water.png

Alternative Templates



Icons & Symbols


Tips & Help
